
Ningbo Wah Hoi Animation Toys Co.,Ltd.


This year's ICDT has made new development and progress compared

This year's ICDT has made new development and progress compared with previous years, such as undertaking the "14.5" national key R & D plan "new display and strategic electronic materials" key display direction technology seminar, future technology development seminar of display industry, on-board display and Intelligent Lighting Forum, interactive rich media technology and Industry Forum Seminar on key technology routes of microled and laser display, etc. China shows that the development of technology is obvious, and it has a very good performance in all aspects of the industrial chain.

The organizer of the Congress delivered a speech by Dr. gaowenbao, chairman of the Organizing Committee of ICDT 2021 conference, executive vice president of Beijing Oriental and chief executive officer of display business. Gao said that, under the promotion of 5g, artificial intelligence, big data and other new generation information technology, the wave of the fourth industrial revolution is accelerating across all walks of life. Semiconductor display, as an important port and "first contact" in the information age, is pushing the in-depth extension of the application of innovation and application of animal networking in human society through the segmentation scenarios of cutting-edge technology empowerment. As a leading semiconductor display enterprise in the world, BOE (Beijing Oriental) has created a display road from 0 to 1. In order to show the healthy development of the industry, people live happily and work more efficiently. BOE (Beijing Oriental) is willing to work with you together to provide the users with the ultimate visual experience, create an unbounded future and work together to change life with great efforts( Zhang Ming)